The Claim Reduction and Customer Retention Platform
Major and regional carriers use Alana to reduce claims and increase retention through proactive homeowner engagement. Alana helps carriers deliver on the promise of being trusted home advisors.
Custom Built for Carriers
Every home is different. The Alana platform customizes home maintenance and risk prevention content based on climate, weather, structure, roof type, basements, attics, and a host of other characteristics - even IoT device data. It then serves up the right information at the right time and presents it within carrier-branded experiences for reduced loss ratios and a stronger book of business.
(Click the Image to Enlarge)
The New Digital Insurance
Insurance has been focusing on technologies that improve efficiencies in the back-office, customer acquisition, and claims. But what about customer-facing advantages?
The new Digital Insurance will provide customer experiences that help homeowners feel supported in times of uncertainty. Insurers that prioritize customer-facing technical integration will benefit from greater consumer insights, higher revenue, and lower claims.​​
Personalized Engagement
Knowing your customers is the first step. Taking that knowledge and applying it to creative programs is the next. We can help over the entire journey.
Making Homeowners Smarter
What if you could help homeowners mitigate risks in their homes before they become serious?
You are the risk experts. Alana helps you share that knowledge.
The Alana platform helps you communicate targeted maintenance suggestions, libraries of customizable guides, and much more. With Alana, you are the go-to resource to stay safe and comfortable in your home.
Leveraging Smart Home Device Telematics
The Alana platform integrates any number of devices from any vendor.
With a truly agnostic approach to device curation, insurers get valuable flexibility for their programs, and customers get choice for their homes.
Smart home data is a great tool to provide a tailored customer experience, increasing trust while streaming valuable data back to the carrier.
Fostering Homeowner Relationships
Could you solve the industry disconnect between carriers and homeowners?
Be the smart option. The Alana platform supports behavioral-based programs that move from a detect-and-restore to a prevent-and-predict model.
Programs that instruct, incent, and support homeowners in their maintenance journey benefit everyone. Best of all, your most valuable customers will always come back for more.
Program Ready
Alana offers a lot more than a white-label solution. Alana provides flexible and brandable experiences with customized content that fits your style and value proposition.
It’s more than a set of colors and logos – it’s your brand. The Alana interfaces, app, and website plugins are built to provide more than customization. Alana provides seamless experiences for your customers, be they within your website, on an extension to your app, or in our easy-to-deploy custom app experience.
Contact us to step up your homeowners insurance offering with flexible and responsive Digital Engagement and Connected Device programs.
Unleash the Power of Digital Interaction for Proactive Home Ownership
Use customer segmentation and up-to-date data...
Deliver timely and personalized risk and property upkeep content across channels.
Deliver meaningful and visually rich app experiences...
Reward users for their home maintenance efforts and safety behaviors.
Leverage connected devices and streaming sensor data...
Identify anomalies before they become problems.
Machine Learning is applied to large volumes of raw heterogeneous data to provide a timely and contextualized view of the home, and the customer.
The Alana system supports existing programs through back-office integrations, and can extend them to new channels like mobile apps, website applets, and more.
Accommodates a wide variety of use cases and staged implementations through the ability to interface with both on-premise and cloud-based IT systems.
All elements of the system - customer-facing apps, program dashboards, and targeted intelligent messaging provide powerful opportunities for brand consistency and reinforcement.
Home hazard insights, automation capabilities, energy efficiency, and other content, guidance, and tools are built in. Adaptable for changing market dynamics, customer needs and corporate priorities.
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Our mission is to provide value to both the insurer and the homeowner with the right data at the right time to increase engagement and avoid claims. Our products are used by major carriers in the United States and Canada.